  • Therapie der Zukunft: we fight your cancer



欢迎来到维也纳MINUTE 医疗中心。在这里,我们为您提供最高质量最科学的分子内部放射性核素治疗。位于世界上最美丽的城市之一的中心,我们会根据您的需求为您的健康打造最严谨的、量身定制的治疗方法。我们的理念是:在最短的时间内,给您的肿瘤疾病提供高度针对性的个体化治疗方案。因此,完全的减少了对您的工作以及日常生活的影响。从您到达、治疗直到离开,我们保证给您个体化的、完全不被打扰的治疗以及服务。除了我们的个人帮助(包括您在本院治疗之前以及之后的时间),我们团队还提供了最新的实验技术以及科学专业知识。因此,我们是您与最先进技术联系的直接纽带,并且在MINUTE医疗中心始终给您提供个体化服务。浏览此网站并联系我们,进行 个人咨询 ,以确定您是否可以从我们提供的高度特异性和个体化疗法中受





Prof. Markus Hartenbach has great experience and a great clinic. The concern and care with patients has been unsurpassable. The treatment with Lutetium was very successful and I am very grateful.

Vitor Constancio

Dr. Hartenbach, his team and treatment literally made a life and death difference. My prostate cancer had spread quickly after a failed immunotherapy. PSA had risen from 60 to 288. Kidney function had been compromised due to lymph involvement.Following the first treatment PSA had dropped to 7 and kidney function bounced back. Following the 3rd, PSA had gone below 1. Dr. Hartenbach has been involved with Theranostics for over a decade. I trust his deep knowledge and caring individualized approach. A heartfelt thanks to everyone at Minute Medical!

Keith McIntosh

"My story began in December 2014 when I was diagnosed with prostate cancer (PC). It was identified as “intermediate risk”. I chose not to have surgery and decided to do watchful waiting. I also wanted to stay away from hormone therapy. After another MRI that showed that the PC was very near the seminal vesicles, I engaged a doctor in Fort Lauderdale, Florida to help me with treatment. He treated the PC with focal cryoablation, and my PSA went from 9 to 0.6. This was done in October 2017. The PSA stayed there for about 2 years before it began to gradually move up. After I did not respond to the immune therapy, we pursued the 177Lu-PSMA treatment with Dr. Hartenbach. My PSA was about 48 in the fall of 2021.
After 1 cycle (3 infusions) of the therapy, my PSA was 2.39. The follow-up PSMA scan showed a remarkable improvement. There were only a couple of places where the cancer was still in the process of dying. We were very pleased at the response. This was in the spring of 2022 and the therapy had given me 2 years of remission. After closely monitoring the PC with scheduled labs, the PSA began to move up again. When it reached 23, we felt more treatment would be beneficial. So, in December of 2023 I started another cycle of the 177Lu-PSMA  therapy. We also added a drug called Orgovyx to the therapy. The PSMA scan was done in April after the treatment was completed in February 2024. I guess I can say that I experienced  minimal side effects from the treatment (some nausea for a couple of days and some “dry mouth”). So, all in all, I was treated with 2 cycles (6 actual infusions) by Dr. Hartenbach.
This time, the results of the treatment and scan were remarkable. The PSMA scan was clear, and the report said I had a “complete response” to the therapy – my PSA is now 0.1. This couldn’t have been a better result and I was so grateful and blessed to have been working with Dr. Hartenbach and his staff. I am praying for a long - term remission. 
Thanks again for Dr. Hartenbach and all his staff."
This is an abridged version. Read the full story here.

William Daly

My story started back in December of 2020 when I was told that I had advanced prostate cancer, which had spread to my lymphatic system. This was picked up with a routine blood test when I turned 50 years of age and when they included the PSA as a blood marker. I did not have any obvious symptoms at the time and in fact I was still running 7-minute miles and was very active.
I was put on hormone treatment in January of 2021 after I came back from the Royal Marsden hospital in the UK where I got a PSMA scan (I could not get a scan in Ireland for 9 months). Later in 2021 I started a course of 6 x Chemo (Docetaxel) and then 4 weeks of RT. In early 2022 I came off the hormone treatment due to side effects (my PSA has gone to a very low figure). I got my life back again as I regained my energy, and my fatigue was a lot less.
Then in early 2023 my PSA started to slowly rise again, so we looked into travelling to the US to undergo immunotherapy and cryotherapy at a clinic. While waiting for this clinic to admit me I developed an intermittent pain in my left leg which I relayed to my oncologist during an outpatient visit. After immediate X-rays of my leg, I was told that I had an impending fracture of my femur and needed an emergency hip replacement (my pelvic bone was also diseased). My hip was replaced 2 days later, and when I was strong enough again, I went to America to undergo this procedure in the hope that it would put me into remission again. Unfortunately, this operation was not successful, and within a month of coming home the pain I was suffering in my leg area was unbearable due to the metastasis in my pelvic area. I was put straight back on hormone treatment again and was told that I would be also receiving RT again.
My good Wife Brid had been in touch with the American clinic looking to see if there were other options available. This was then when I was referred to Prof Hartenbach and the rest as they say is history. I’m off all pain medication and with the hopes of coming off both my hormone treatments in the near future. From there it will be active surveillance and fingers crossed, but certainly this treatment has given me back my life.
Thank you, Prof Hartenbach and team.

Sean Kenny

Minute Medical, particularly Dr. Markus and his team, provided exceptional care for my father. His PSA levels, initially at 410, consistently decreased by 50% with each treatment. Moreover, his overall quality of life improved significantly, with minimal to no side effects. I extend my heartfelt gratitude to Dr. Markus and his dedicated team for their outstanding efforts. They have always been easily accessible and willing to address any concerns. Thanks a million for everything!

Quinny Robbie

Getting connected with Dr. Hartenbach was a blessing. Previous treatment did nothing to slow my prostate cancer that had metastasized into my entire skeletal system and some lymph nodes. Three treatments with Minute medical group and my scan showed no cancer. Even my prostate had no evidence of cancer. From being mostly bed ridden on pain medication to my new self was amazing. Everyone in the clinic was compassionate and every step of the process was discussed and clearly explained. Many prayers went out for my healing and I believe Dr. Hartenbach was part of the answer to those prayers. Please don’t let any fear of this treatment stop you as it is non invasive and I only had one or two episodes of mild nausea. I’ve included photos of my before and after scans. The black areas on the current scan are not cancer but the normal expulsion of the contrast drug through my kidneys, bladder and salivary glands. My thanks goes to God and this wonderful team at Minute Medical.

Dan E.

I was diagnosed with stage 4 prostate cancer in August 2019. I received antihormonal, chemotherapy and radiation therapy with 28 treatments to my prostate and 5 treatments to my bones. As a result, my PSA was undetectable. In June of 2021 my PSA began to rise and I started second generation antihormonal medication as well as a second round of chemotherapy from July until October, at which time the side effects of the chemotherapy became unmanageable. I was left with sever neuropathy in both of my legs and feet. Tumor growth in my lower back had caused paralysis of my right leg. By the end of October 2021, I was losing weight, was mostly bed ridden and had new tumors on my lungs, liver and bones.
My oncologist recommended radioligand therapy with Lutetium-PSMA. From December 21st, 2021 to February, 16th, 2022, I underwent a treatment course of 3 sessions at MINUTEmedical in Vienna: one with 225Ac-PSMA and two with 177Lu-PSMA. Dr. Hartenbach was very helpful, explained everything in understandable terms and was always there for me throughout the whole treatment duration and afterwards. Side effects were minimal: fatigue and nausea.
The results have been great. Metastases in my bones, liver and lungs have disappeared and PSA value has fallen from 1.9 to 0.05 with no other treatment conducted. The cancer is now in remission. I’m back to walking 3 miles a day and gaining weight. My pain has gone from an 8 out of 10 to a 1 out of 10. I am extremely grateful and appreciative to Doctor Hartenbach and his team. You have given me a new lease on life. THANK YOU.

Roger Zacher

was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2015 (Gleason 9) which, despite treatment, eventually recurred and metastasized into my lymph nodes and seminal vesicles. To control the spread, was put on ADT which had horrible side effects that made my life miserable, worse than the disease itself (was told at the time by my advanced prostate cancer specialist that "you are not going to like this").
Seeking an alternative to ADT so could live normal life, in 2021 was referred to Dr. Hartenbach for Lu-177 PSMA therapy. After three rounds of Lu-177 PSMA treatment, the metastasis has disappeared, there is no tumor growth outside the prostate, there is only minimal residual PSMA in the prostate (all confirmed by PSMA PET/CT scan), and my PSA has dropped to 0.57. All this with no significant side effects beyond some fatigue after treatment, which resolved quickly. The treatment itself was easy and Dr. Hartenbach took plenty of time to review my test results and clearly explain everything to my satisfaction. am now back to 'watchful waiting' and not on any medication for prostate cancer. work full time.
can't recommend Dr. Hartenbach and Lu-177 PSMA therapy enough to anyone with similar diagnosis. wish had never heard of ADT and, at the time, could have done Lu-177 PSMA instead. My family and thank Dr. Hartenbach sincerely.


Your personalized experience with Dr. Hartenbach is the beginning of a life changing journey. Caring, knowledge beyond belief, amazing results, thorough follow-up. I have been researching and consulting prostate treatment for eight years , MINUTEmedical is, SPECIAL.

John G.

Professor Markus Hartenbach is an incredible medical professional.
It is so rare to find a Professor like Professor Hartenbach. Not only he has taken great care of my health problems, but also he has the wisdom of advice when you speak with him at every appointment. Indeed it is wonderful to find a Professor that combines such personal touch and care for us patients with his outstanding qualities of medical care. I especially loved how Professor Hartenbach took his time to explicitly explain my health conditions as well as my treatment options. To make this long journey short, my treatment was 100% successful in terms of taking off my metastasis cancer and now I am living life on my second term. His resources and amazing knowledge to treat patients are a jewel and world-class in this particular medical field.
Professor Hartenbach's demeanor has really put me at ease and made me always feel like as  I am a member of his extended family circle.
We cancer patients need human beings like the PROFESSOR. God bless you PROFESSOR and more Power.

Martin E.-S.

After exhausting all available treatment options for my Fourth Stage Prostate Cancer in the USA, I was fortunate enough to find Dr. Hartenbach and Minute Medical. The method of nuclear medicine and Lutetium treatment gave me a new lease on life, and the treatment I received worked very well on me with minimal side effects.  Dr. Hartenbach and his medical team are not only true professionals but also wonderful human beings.

Steven F.